Organization: Mozaika Church

Location: Košice, Slovakia

The Mittelmann family planted Mozaika church in Ervin's hometown of Kosice. They began with 1 Missional Community of 5 people!  

About the Mittelmanns: They are Slovakian natives who feel called to be the church and proclaim the Gospel in their city.  Slovakia has a Protestant Christian population of about 7%, however only 0.2% claim to be "evangelical" stating they consider themselves to have a "personal relationship with Jesus".  Gospel-centered everyday normal Christians are perceived to be strange sectarian cult members by nationalist Catholic majority.  This makes the work of church planting in Slovakia very difficult. Mozaika has done an amazing job loving people and blessing people in their community which has built trust and mutual respect.  

Ervin is well known around Slovakia as a consultant to other churches as well as for equipping everyday Slovakian Christians for living on mission.  Mozaika currently has 11 DNA groups and 3 missional communities that meet around their city, share life together, and intentionally pursue people with the Good News of the Gospel.

We love being involved as sister churches with Mozaika and have regular Zoom calls with their leadership teams to encourage and equip one another.  Ervin was here with us in 2018 and 2020 and we hope to return the favor by visiting Slovakia in the years to come!  Pray for the Mittelmann family and Mozaika church!


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