Organization: Mission Dispatch
Location: Chisinau, Moldova

Sara and Sasha Pascal have been missions partners of Generation Church for a few years now.  Pastor Tim and Sasha met and shared a cabin during a church equipping conference in Poland during 2017.  
Our church supports their work in Moldova through monthly financial & seasonal financial support.  We also help with ministry coaching, and relational investment. Sasha grew up in Moldova and Sara grew up in the Northwest (WA).  They have 2 children, Adela and Miroslav (recently adopted). You can learn more about them on their website above.

VISION: We desire to see Christians and non-Christians alike transformed by the saving and changing grace of the Gospel throughout Moldova.
MISSION: We want to catalyze groups of believers to live in community together, disciple one another and engage in intentional mission in their neighborhoods

The Pascals are currently church planting in their neighborhood, engaging in social media to create disciple making movements as well as supporting local churches and church plants in any way we can.  We love the Pascals and are excited to see how God blossoms their new ministry in Moldova!


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