Organization: Missional Made Simple

Pastor Tim and the Morr family have been working together for years even prior to them becoming part of our international work. Todd was a founding leader of the Soma Family of Churches and Saturate the World. He also helped start Josiah Venture, which has been doing youth ministry training and evangelism for 25 years in 14 different Eastern European countries. He lived in Eastern Europe for 11 years in the Czech Republic and Romania and has been serving church leaders internationally since 1994. For the past 20+ years, he's been helping train and coach both existing churches and church plants in North America and 20 other countries to form Missional Communities and other forms of missional small groups through his organization: Missional Made Simple.

Todd spends lots of his time consulting with church leaders and their teams to assess where they need help and how to move forward with concrete plans toward greater disciple-making and missional effectiveness. He also has a passion to see churches united and learning to work together to see gospel influence spread in their cities.

Todd is married to Hannah who has 20 years of experience living a missional life and leading MC’s in Romania, Tacoma, and San Diego. She’s had great impact on the lives of many non-Christian women friends, as someone who is gifted as an evangelist, and has also deeply discipled many Christian women over the years. And, she’s a pretty amazing Mom! Hannah is also available for female leaders interested in getting on a video call to talk about living intentionally on mission and helping lead a Missional Community as women.


Locally, Todd and Hannah lead a Gospel Community in San Diego with New City Church, which is part of the Soma Family of Churches. They have 5 kids who love Jesus, sports, and spending time together outdoors as a family.

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